With two of my friends, we put together an exhibit called “Three Brushes Together. It’s currently hung at the Pyle Center in downtown Madison. Here’s a tour of my part of the exhibit. It will be on display until October 30th
So far this year....
Another busy year! Since I last posted a lot has happened. Late last year, I took on the role of Treasurer for the Association of Wisconsin Artists. This organization’s primary activity is to support the Wisconsin Regional Art Program (WRAP)throughout the state, which provides venues for amateur and emerging artists to display and sell their artwork and network with other artists. I’m so happy to be part of an organization that supports so many artists.
I also had a chance to do some plein air painting again and this year I was fortunate to take 2nd place at the Jefferson Plein Air and Reserve Grand Champion at the Walworth County Fair. These paintings and others sold during the events!
On November 4th, I will be doing a demonstration using metal leaf in my artwork at the Madison East pop up WRAP. It’s always fun to add a little bling to your artwork.
I’m looking forward to next year’s Wisconsin plein air season but will be working in my studio creating more art, remembering all the great places I’ve been in Wisconsin this year and continuing to experiment and grow. Stay Tuned!
Walworth County Fair and ... busy summer
It’s been a busy summer. June was packed with volunteer work for the Jefferson Plein Air and then a trip with my granddaughter. Finally did some plein air events in August. Here’s a few pics from the fair. I’m happy to say that I sold both paintings!
Exhibit at American Family in Pewaukee
I’ve been fortunate to be the featured artist for October and November at the offices of Chris Lueth Agency-American Family Insurance in Pewaukee. If you have a chance, stop by to walk through their lobby gallery.
Busy Summer
I can’t believe it’s October already. What a busy summer! In June, I volunteered at the 5 day Jefferson Plein Air. We had a great event and more paintings sold than in previous years and even though I didn’t get a chance to paint because I was volunteering, I loved spending time with all the artists and people visiting the gallery. Go the Arts Alliance of Greater Jefferson Facebook page to see some of the great art. In July, I volunteered for the Pewaukee Area Arts Council (PAAC) Art and Garden Tour, a week long event. I was especially excited to set up an online gallery of art from PAAC members. Finally had a chance to do some painting at the Mineral Point plein air event “Paint the Point”. Even sold both of my painting submissions! I’ve gotta go back to Mineral Point next year as I love painting the countryside. Here are photos of my favorite location and the paintings I submitted.
Shop Hop in Cambridge Wi
Painted with a few of my plein air friends last Thursday. The weather was VERY windy and a little rain but otherwise a beautiful evening. This is a 9x12 oil canvas on birch board. I painted the front of the Keystone Grill. Love the green awning constrasting the brick and stone walls.
So glad the weather is warming. Summer plein air painting is coming!!! Looking forward to the Jefferson Plein Air June 23-27. I’ll be working so no painting but will be able to see my painting friends. But I will be painting in Mineral Point in August during the annual Paint the Point plein air event.
Painting a Day
I joined a group of crazy good artists who are posting their painting efforts daily. It’s a bit of a contest. The person who lasts the longest, in other words, posts their paintings daily for the longest stretch of days, will win drinks from the others in the group. We’ve already had two drop out. I’m on my 45th day but there are a couple of other artists who started a group before this one and they’ve posted over 150 days. Amazing!!!!
Most of my daily paintings are little 5x7 on canvas board or canvas covered birch panels. Here’s a sampling of the still lifes. If you are interested in purchasing one or more, each 5x7 oil painting is $30 framed plus any applicable shipping. (I might just drop them off if you are nearby!)
If you want to see all my other paintings a day, I’ve posted them on my facebook page under Christine Steinmiller. Hope you like them!
from top left, Teapot and Teacup, Steeping, Red Vase and Doily, Red Vase and Poppy, Cast Iron Teapot,Teapot on Red Silk Scarf, Teacup and Saucer, Just a Rose, Pot of Cherry Tomatoes, Red Poppy, Chicken in a Basket, Brass Horse
Practicing Portraits
It’s been a while since I worked on portraits so I used myself as the model. Had to take a few selfies but this one worked out. this is my mini selfie 6x8. Did another of an older gentleman.. Love the character in older faces.
Covid Summer
Even though many plein air events have been cancelled this summer due to the pandemic, there are plenty of artists still getting out to paint. I’ve had a chance to paint with some great friends. In June, Jefferson Plein Air had a one day social distancing get together after a day of painting. I painted our host’s building, Stable Rock Winery and after that day, did another angle of the building. When a renovated historical building in downtown Jefferson had an open house a week ago, we were able to hang many of the paintings from the Jefferson Plein Air along with a other paintings by the local artists and several paintings were sold, including one of mine that won 2nd place at a previous year’s plein air event “County Fair” . Then in July, a couple of friends came over and we painted in the morning. My painting “Shadow in the Garden” was started that morning. You can see the final painting in the Gallery section of my website. And this morning, I painted in downtown Delafield with some friends. Great morning and we finished the day with lunch at the very popular Lumber Inn in town.
Not Just Landscapes
No, this is not a black and white photo. This is a bathroom remodel where client wanted artwork to coordinate with the blacks, grays and silvers in the room. Crystal chandelier was my inspiration for the silver foil used in the abstract. I also made the custom frame. I love to experiment with abstract and texture. Thankfully, client said I nailed it. Yes!!!
First Jefferson County Plein Air Group
A couple other hardy plein air painters joined me Saturday for the first Jefferson County Plein Air Group paint out. It was pretty chilly so after about 1 1/2 hours, we headed inside to critique and share tips. Thanks to Kristina Brewer and Janet Nelson for joining me in the first group paint out.
Well, this is one plein air painting that didn’t get done. I was at Stone Fence Farm for the Waukesha County Land Conservancy event. The day started out great with sun, clouds and about 55 degrees. Then the rainy, windy weather moved in. I can paint in sun, clouds, winter, summer etc. But can’t paint in wind AND rain. The good news is that I was able to sell another painting I brought along.
Mineral Point Plein Air
The summer flew by but I did have a chance to attend Paint the Point in Mineral Point this August. Janet Nelson, my friend and crazily creative artist, and I stayed at an adorable cottage right in the heart of Mineral Point. This was the first time I did a nocturne plein air. Mineral Point has so many beautiful old buildings, many out of local limestone. I’m crazy about painting rocks and stones so I had a lot of options to choose from. I found a wonderful old stone building with a blue door to paint that night. On the last day, I found another beautiful building right across the street with a black door. Both paintings sold along with my first painting of a pastoral scene of a farm in the valley. I’m going back next year!!!
Jefferson Plein Air
The Jefferson Plein Air was held at the end of June and even though I didn’t paint, I was able to participate by volunteering to help for the event. One of the most memorable parts of the exhibit was the artwork created by the 5th graders from Jefferson East Elementary. Working with their art teacher Julia Hardin, we held a plein air event in May for the students. Over 50 students participated and thanks to the teachers and parents, we had a great day. Their best artwork was on display in the gallery at Woolen Mills in Jefferson during the plein air event.
Winter's Last Hurrah
The sun on the melting snow in the wetlands in front of our house was too tempting this afternoon. How lucky am I that I can walk out my front door and just paint for a half hour! And, yes, that is Seta in the second picture wandering around in the wetland.
Painting Indoors Today
I’m a volunteer for the plein air event sponsored by the Arts Alliance of Greater Jefferson. So, to promote the event and support Hoops for Hope, we had a booth in Jefferson H.S. this past Saturday. We had a lot of fun talking up plein air and letting everyone know that Jefferson Plein Air 2019 will be held June 26-30 this year. We set up a couple small still lifes. Near the end, I was tired of painting flowers and decided to do a quick study of our young rottie, Seta. (No, she wasn’t there but I wish she had been. She would have loved meeting all the people.)
Cold Day to Paint
Finally got out to paint for a couple hours this afternoon with fellow plein air painters, Lorin Willey (founded Wisconsin Painters Studio), Jan Kruk, Judy Grohowski and Paul Schultz. Even though we all brought along appropriate clothing (except Lorin who forgot his hat and had to run to a nearby store), we drove to a spot by the Military Ridge State Trail near Madison. Temp never got above 30 degrees and the sun never came out. Still, some really good views. We stayed until we couldn’t feel our feet any more, then packed up and headed to the Great Dane Pub for a warm meal. Great food! Pic is of work in progress.
Haven’t had time to get outside and paint because of the holidays so getting caught up on a couple of commissions. Since I love dogs, doing dog portraits just feels right. I started this one for the son of a friend who lost his dog this year. This is Caliber, a beautiful German Shepherd. Work in Progress. The one thing that make a portrait come alive is when I put in the reflections in the eye. Haven’t gotten that far yet.
Sunny and Cold
In Cambridge WI today. It was bright, sunny and COLD in downtown Cambridge! We started out at about 20 degrees F. and it didn’t get much warmer. I was joined by fellow artists, Janet Nelson and Lynette Redner. We braved the cold and after a couple of hours, retreated to the warm coffee shop KIND FOLK. And they were kind! We walked in and they gave us some mugs of hot water just to warm our hands while we waited for our lattes and mochas. We then sat at the table drinking our hot coffees and planning our next adventure.
Hello Everyone
Welcome! My website has been a long time coming. I bought my domain chrissteinmiller.com a couple of years ago but it sat on the “shelf” for quite a while. Thanks to my artist friend and techie guru, Julia Rooney, I was able to finally design the website and go live. Some of the finished paintings you see here are from trips that I've taken. I love the outdoors and there's not much that can beat being outdoors and painting at the same time. Check back here for my painting and plein air adventures.